Thursday, January 29, 2009

Red Ninja - End of Honor

Bottom Line- rating 3.75

Ninjas Suck

After struggling through this miserable piece of digital vomit over many tortuous hours, I began to wonder who would unleash such an abomination on the world. Satan? Sadam Hussien? Brittany Spears? No. Red Ninja is cleary the work ofa group of developers deliberately trying to create the world's worst game as some kind of twisted practical joke. How else could the worst elements of stealth, action, and platforming combine into such a perfect mealstorm of pure worthlessness?

As a skimply dressed female ninja, whom I shall refer to as Crapface, the player is supposed to sneak their way through each area, quietly dispatching all the enimies in her way. Unfortunately, they have some kind of nnja detecting radar, so Crapface has to stand and fight constantly. Her wirelike weapon seems cool at first until you realize that there is only one attack and absolutely no strategy to cmbat. And since the camera behaves like it's controlled by an eight-year-old with ADD and a twelve pack of Coke in his system, you're constantly geting hit by enemies you can't see. To top it all off, there are no cool ninja gadgets to assist you in combat or stealth like in Tenchu ( the series this game has a total crush on), so it failed in both these areas.

Later in the game, the emphasis swithches from horrid stealth and combat to horrid platforming, which is executed with the same hamfisted lack of finesse. There is a check point in front of every difficult jump or puzzle in the game- the developer was clearly aware that these points were incredibly frustrating, but opted to let the player endlessly repeat the same parts rather than fix the shoddy level design. Of course only the most masochis pf players will want to play through this fly-covered, reeking garbage pile of a game.


Kathleen said...

Great review Elicia. Your style is distinct (if harsh). I think you have a future as a video game blogger or critic.

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