Friday, April 1, 2011

My Newest Obsession

Hello everyone, I'm aware it's been quite a while since I've last posted... Too long if I do say so myself. And within my absence I've been searching for something that interested me. I've found quite a few things to be honest. But just for the sake of your time and mine I'll sum it up for you, in an succinct little list.~

My Recent Findings/Interested/Obsessions:

1.) Gothic Lolita

2.) The well known Japanese Cosplay Models Kipi & Arisa

(This is the model Kipi coplaying as Rena, from "Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni")

(This is the model Arisa, cosplaying as Misa, from "Death Note")

3.) Hazama, from the fighting game BlazBlue

It is these things as well as a multitude of a few other things that have been keeping me busy. I hope to return to you soon with more information regarding my absence. I would explain now, but I haven't the time, nor patience. If you have any questions, message me, comment, or leave me your email and I'll get back to you as soon as I can. Until then. I'll talk to you all again soon!


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